Converting binary numbers (base 2) to hexadecimal numbers (base 16) is a common process in computer science and digital electronics. This conversion simplifies the representation of binary numbers by condensing them into a more readable form.
Understanding Binary to Hex Conversion:
Binary numbers are made up of 0s and 1s (bits).
Hexadecimal numbers use sixteen distinct symbols (0-9 and A-F).
Steps for Conversion:
Group the binary number's bits in sets of four, starting from the right (least significant bit).
If the leftmost group has less than four bits, add leading zeros to make it a group of four.
Convert each group of four binary bits to its hexadecimal equivalent.
Each binary group (0000 to 1111) corresponds to a hexadecimal digit (0 to F).
To convert the binary number 11011011 to hexadecimal:
Group the binary number in sets of four: 1101 1011.
Convert each group to hexadecimal:
1101 in binary is D in hexadecimal.
1011 in binary is B in hexadecimal.
So, the hexadecimal equivalent of 11011011 is DB.
Checking the Calculation:
Ensure the binary number is correctly grouped into sets of four.
Use a binary to hexadecimal conversion chart to verify each group's conversion.
Key Points to Remember:
Grouping binary numbers into sets of four simplifies conversion to hexadecimal.
This conversion is widely used in computing for efficient data representation and processing.