
Compare Integer

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Comparing integers is like having a friendly race between numbers. We want to know which number is bigger or smaller. It's a fun way to see who's ahead!

Simple Explanation:

Comparing Integers:

When we compare integers, we're deciding if one number is greater (bigger) or smaller (lesser) than another number.

We use special symbols like < (less than) and > (greater than) to make our decision.

Characters in Our Race:

Greater Than (>) - The Speedy One:

When we see > between two numbers, it means the number on the left is bigger (greater) than the number on the right.

For example, if we see 5 > 3, it means 5 is greater than 3.

Less Than (<) - The Slow One:

When we see < between two numbers, it means the number on the left is smaller (lesser) than the number on the right.

For example, if we see 2 < 7, it means 2 is less than 7.


Comparing Integers:

Let's compare 8 and 12.

We use > to compare them: 8 > 12.

Since 8 is not greater than 12, we know it's smaller.

More Examples:

We can also use < to compare: 3 < 9.

In this case, 3 is less than 9.

Key Points to Remember:

> means the number on the left is greater.

< means the number on the left is smaller.


Create a race game with numbers and symbols to let your child practice comparing integers.

Use objects like toys or fruit to visually represent numbers and compare them.

Extra Tip:

Make it fun by pretending the numbers are characters in a race, and your child is the referee deciding who wins!