
Mean Median

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Mean and median are ways to find out the middle or average number in a list of numbers. They help us understand what number is in the middle or what an average number looks like in a group.

Simple Explanation:

What is the Mean?

The mean is the average of a group of numbers.

To find it, you add all the numbers together and then divide by how many numbers there are.

What is the Median?

The median is the middle number in a list of numbers.

To find it, you arrange the numbers in order from smallest to largest and then pick the number that is right in the middle.


Finding the Mean:

Let's say we have the numbers 3, 5, and 7.

First, add them together: 3 + 5 + 7 = 15.

There are 3 numbers, so divide 15 by 3. The mean is 15 ÷ 3 = 5.

Finding the Median:

Using the same numbers, 3, 5, and 7, arrange them in order.

The numbers are already in order: 3, 5, 7.

The middle number is 5, so the median is 5.

Key Points to Remember:

The mean is found by adding up all the numbers and then dividing by the count of the numbers.

The median is the middle number in an ordered list of numbers.

If there's an even number of items in the list, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers.


Use a set of numbers from everyday life, like ages in a family or scores in a game.

Let your child try to find the mean and median of these numbers.

Discuss how they are different and when each one is useful.

Extra Tip:

Make it fun by using things like pieces of candy or fruit to visually represent the numbers and calculate the mean and median.