
Percentage Error

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Percentage error is a measure used in statistics and science to express the accuracy of an estimated or measured value compared to the actual or true value. It's often used to gauge the precision of experimental results or measurements.

Understanding Percentage Error:

Percentage error quantifies the difference between an estimated value and an actual value as a percentage of the actual value.

It's a useful tool for assessing the accuracy of measurements or predictions.

Formula for Calculating Percentage Error:

The formula for percentage error is: Percentage Error = [(Estimated Value - Actual Value) / Actual Value] × 100%.

The result is expressed as a percentage.


If you estimate the weight of an object to be 10 pounds, but the actual weight is 12 pounds:

Calculate the difference: 10 - 12 = -2 pounds.

Then, find the percentage error: (-2 / 12) × 100% ≈ -16.67%.

The negative sign indicates the estimated value is less than the actual value.

Key Points to Remember:

Percentage error can be positive or negative, depending on whether the estimate is higher or lower than the actual value.

It's important in experiments and studies to understand the reliability of measurements.