
Subtraction / In Line

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Subtraction is like taking things away. If you have some cookies and you give a few away, how many are left? Subtraction helps us find out!

Simple Explanation:

What is Subtraction?

Subtraction is finding out how many things are left when you take some away from a group.

It's like removing some things from a bunch and seeing what's left.


With Objects:

Suppose you have 5 balloons and 2 fly away. How many balloons are left?

You count the remaining balloons: 5 balloons - 2 balloons = 3 balloons.

So, 5 - 2 equals 3.

Using Fingers:

Hold up 5 fingers and then put 2 of them down.

Count the fingers still up.

There are 3 fingers up. That means 5 - 2 is 3.

Key Points to Remember:

The minus sign (-) means you subtract.

The answer in subtraction is called the difference.

Start with the bigger number and take away the smaller number.


Use items like pencils or blocks for practice.

Start with a bigger number of items.

Then take away a smaller number and count what's left.

Extra Tip:

Draw a story! Maybe 5 ducks are in a pond and 2 swim away. How many ducks are still in the pond?